Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 7

Well, I didn't say this would be consecutive days, did I? LOL. Larry and I drove to Washington to see family and friends and got home a couple of days ago. Access to a computer was spotty.

Today I am thankful for knowledge that God places in people. Specifically, today, I'm thankful for my doctor. I have been put back on a medication that I was previously taken off - we thought I was further along than I am. I REALLY don't want to be on this med, but I know it's life saving for me.

So that's it for today. Short and sweet when I really want to rant and rail and cry....won't help. I need to rest in the one who gives life and gives it more abundantly.

And remember to be thankful.

Nola Gae

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 6

Today, I am thankful that I have all three of my sons still living. Almost 3 years ago, our eldest son almost overdosed on some combination of drugs and alcohol. I know it scared him, and it terrified me. I spent months praying, weeping... and flinching every time the phone rang.

I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and some nurse to tell me to get to the hospital NOW. Or when a Sheriffs car would pull into the drive, I was convinced it wouldn't be my husbands -even though a "cop" car lives in our driveway daily since my husband drives one- but another deputy coming to tell me that my son was dead.

After a few months of Al Anon (for me) and some behavioral changes on the part of our son, I don't live in that kind of fear anymore. Thank the Lord!

So many obstacles have entered the paths of my boys. Wes was born at 35 weeks gestation - too early by anyones standards and yet still was able to go home 3 days after birth. Ethan was breech, was turned and hung on his own cord, and early as well. He almost didn't make it thru the pregnancy and birth. Still, he was able to go home in 3 days. Ethan also had many boo-boos as a babe: falling down a set of stairs, having a TV fall on his head, a car wreck that gave him a concussion and I think I'm missing a few things! Wyatt was miraculously saved from getting hit by a car when he decided as a toddler to wander down our long driveway and down the road to find his brothers - they were at a birthday party and Wyatt wanted to go!

Sometimes I ask God "where are you" and I just have to look at my sons to realize: He is there, right with me, every step of the way. Just let some distance get between you and your current struggle. I guarantee you will see the hand of God; the big picture, if you will.

He who is faithful to begin a good work will complete it.

Nola Gae

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 5

I am so very thankful for friends...the kind you have forEVER! I have always told my sons: friends will come and go, brothers are forever; you will probably take only a handful of very close friends with you throughout life.

When I meet a new person, I always wonder: will this be another "forever" friend? It seems sad when some fade away and you lose contact. Do you suppose this is normal for us? Or are we, on the whole, just too darned busy in our lives to really cultivate and care for the people God gives us? Are these the folks we are supposed to "keep" (as in: be our brothers keeper)?

I know I'm just as guilty as the next person. Since I have secluded myself this last 9 months to recoup and get well, I feel like my friendships have concentrated down to mostly "forever" friends. I look forward to re-establishing connections; and I thank the good Lord above for my precious friends who are never far away from speed-dial! You are the precious jewels in my life...(does this mean I need to give you jewels or just re-name you all? Ruby, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond....hey, wait: who gets to be called AquaMarine?! haha)

XOXOXO's my friends.

Nola Gae

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 4

Today I am thankful for this wonderful valley in which we live. Surrounded by mountains on 3 sides, we are protected from nasty weather. It is a beautiful valley with big oak trees, majestic buttes, meandering creeks and trees, trees, trees. When people visit here for the first time, they often comment on how many trees we have around here. All sorts, sizes and colours.

The sunsets are vivid red, bright gold, deep purples and then fade into the most beautiful velvety midnight blue sky. I call it a "Maxfield Parrish Sky" after the famous painter who was the original painter of light.

The heavens declare the Glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands...Ps. 19

After years of dreaming and vacationing in the land of Larry's youth and forebears, 8 1/2 years ago we got to move here. Although we may not retire here, this valley continually takes my breath away with it's beauty.

Nola Gae

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 3

I am thankful for my boys. As they get older the conversations become deeper, the boo-boo's more serious (cause you don't find out about the little ones anymore; gone are the days of kissing the banged up elbow...) and the plans for tomorrow a bit more important. They remain the people I would still jump in front of a moving train on their behalf and the ones who can fillet my heart with the most inerrant aim.

Wes, Ethan, and Wyatt: You all have SO much to offer life in general and the people in your lives specifically. I am seeing with new clarity the giftings God has placed in you and how very different you are from one another. Never forget "Above all else: know God is good and you can trust Him; look to Him above all else" (from "Above All Else" Debby Boone)

You are all so funny, smart, witty, and darned cute. Any girl would be lucky to call you hers....all in good time you understand!

I love you to distraction....


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 2

I am thankful for my husband, Larry. We have been married for 25 years now; I can hardly believe it's been that long since the years have gone by so fast.

Proverbs 18.22 says: He who finds a wife finds a good thing. Ephesians 5.25 says: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

I firmly believe that a husband who loves his wife and gives of himself like Jesus did for us (He gave it all...everything so we can have a way where there was no way...) will reap massive rewards in his marriage. See, God is smart: he created the heart of a woman, so He knows us. We, barring some disaster in our life that would cause a total shut-down in our ability to give of ourselves, cannot help but fall for a man who chases after us, woos us, and always puts us above his own desires. We women become integral links in the perpetual "mutual admiration society" that will enable us married folk to survive many a storm in life.

So I sum up with this: She who finds a husband who willfully determines to love his wife like Christ loved the church, AND GIVES HIMSELF FOR HER, finds a good thing. No, great thing. No, absolutely fabulous thing!!!

Bear: I'ma luva luva luva you!

Nola Gae

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 1 -

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

I am thankful for this nation, for the founding Fathers who gave of their time, wealth, and discomfort to create a place where I can be free. But have we used freedom to satisfy only the lusts of our flesh, causing the moral decay we see in every area of American life?

Nevertheless, I am still amazed at the blessings of God over this nation; not because we are intrinsically good because we are Americans, but because righteousness causes favour that continues after many generations (kind of like sacrifice and hard work produce wealth that can be passed down from Father/Mother to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, et cetera...). How long do we get to ride on the coattails of those who pursued right-ness instead of self-serving luxury? Good question, huh?

So on this 4th of July, Independence Day, I say a hearty THANK YOU to our soldiers who know the sacrifce of keeping us free. And...

America: Bless God!

Nola Gae

Second Annual Go....

Well, we go with my first attempt at blogging!

Last Independence Day, as I sat and watched my son's CAP Honour Guard give us their best in a parade, I was overcome with Thankfulness for my life, my family, my country. God instructed me to begin a journal of Thankfulness and do so for 30 days.

I was intrigued to see where it would go, since God doesn't tell me to do something for no reason at all. As it turns out, the mind-set of thankfulness would come in quite handy over the ensuing months.

Late summer of 2009 I was diagnosed with a disease called Nesidioblastosis. I most likely had been dealing with it all of my life, and a very smart Doctor FINALLY got it. I have been under treatment and should completely recover over time. The journey, however, has been one of many tears.

This is not a blog of my diseased journey, but of Thankfulness for the blessings of liberty, family and friends. And of course: the blessings of the Most Holy One, the one whom I love to search out, spend time with, and set my gaze upon. This blog is for me but since talking to myself isn't nearly as fun as talking with others, I welcome your input.

And so viewers: thanks for dropping by.

Nola Gae